
Food & drinks


The main way COVID-19 is spread from person to person is through contact with the sneezing droplets or cough of a person infected with the virus. However, the virus can remain contagious on both surfaces and in food packaging. In grocery stores, the greatest risk of exposure to the virus remains contact with other people and with high-touch surfaces such as shopping cart handles, refrigerator and freezer handles, scales, elevator buttons, money and cards, and the products themselves.
The specialized staff of MEDEON- DAMATERA G.P. has harmonized its work according to the H.A.C.C.P. (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point). In addition, the drugs:
It is in accordance with the circulars of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food. They have been used internationally. It is odorless, non-toxic and completely harmless to its employees
Agency and visitors.